Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Is it really worth it?

I recently discovered this hilarious comic strip, Piled Higher and Deeper, a.k.a. PHD. It's usually a satirical look at the life of grad students, but some of them carry forth meaningful messages. I find the following strip especially nice and relevant in my current position of trying to balance grad school application, obtaining research experience, writing the GRE Biology Subject Test, deciding where to best utilize your funds and visit schools, and worry about where you'll get in and what project you'll be working on for the next half decade with what kind of funding ... you get the picture.

Note: Click on the comic strip for a clearer image.

So for all of you out there, remember, you're in it for a reason (unless of course, you're Indian and you're a doctor or engineer because your parents wanted you to be and your neighbor is convinced that there is "scope" only in these two fields). :-)

And just in case if you're wondering whether the above strip has a lighter side to it, it does. Here's the same scenario from the guys' perspective.


Blogger Ravi Ramaswamy said...

nice one ;)

2:21 PM  

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